Want to make a difference to both the people and the horses of the racing? The Groom Elite educational programs can do just that and we need your help.
- Track Coordinator: The lead administrator and organizer of the educational program at the host track. This individual will work with The Elite Program staff to coordinate and organize the program. It is beneficial to have contacts at the track.
- Assistant to Coordinator: To assist the coordinator as needed.
- Photographer: A person with a digital camera to document the activities of the course. The photographs will be used as part of the recognition program and displayed in the photo gallery.
- Lead Pony: Provide lead ponies or other horses suitiable to assist with instruction for class demonstrations and/or assessment day.
- Tack or Supplies: Provide lead ponies or other horses suitiable to assist with instruction for class demonstrations and/or assessment day.
- Instructor: A volunteer that will help secure tack for the tack class and assessment day tack room and other such teaching supplies as needed.
- Certified Groom Elite Grads: As someone who as gone through the program, you would know what assistance the Track Coordinator will need, from collecting the pony horses, recruiting grooms to attend, assisting the instructors and more.

If you're interested in volunteering to help please fill out the following form: