2024 Started in Gulfstream Park with Groom Elite 101 as we have done for all but 4 years since 2008. Zoom classes with Blackburn correctional, a visit to Sykesville Correctional and ongoing development of Island Groom Elite in St. Croix kept Dr. Mac busy.

In May, The Elite Program received news that will propel us into the next 20 plus years with a continued emphasis on proper care of racehorses and other equine athletes. Watch for more information regarding this news. The Elite Program and its Groom Elite Educational programs will move forward as a new dawn follows a beautiful sunset.

I mentioned in this spot last year that a Residence program was in the early discussion stage. That program is going to enter phase 2 this summer and I hope to make an announcement regarding these opportunities at the National HBPA convention at Prairie Meadows in late July.